Part 1: Preparing the script.
Initially, the script must undergo professional editing to ensure clarity and precision.
Once the editing process is complete and the script is error-free, it will be prepared for formatting.
If there are any images included, they must be scanned or uploaded, appropriately labeled, and organized.
Two versions of the script will be created: one formatted specifically for eBook publication and another for physical book production.
Cost for Part 1: $1,000.00
Part 2: Designing the eBook, Interior, and cover
The eBook cover needs to look professional. Readers DO judge a book by its cover!
We work closely with you to design your eBook's cover and interior, ensuring that the final product meets the highest quality standards.
A visually appealing eBook cover is essential, as it is critical in attracting readers.
While there are several technical specifications for an eBook cover, the most crucial aspect is the readability of the title and author’s name, particularly at thumbnail size.
Your cover must stand out, even when displayed as a small image on a webpage, as most books are now sold online—primarily on platforms like Amazon. It is also vital that your cover aligns with the genre in which it will be marketed.
The same principles apply to the interior design of your eBook. It should create a professional impression from the moment a reader opens the book.
The two vital elements of interior design are scalability and readability.
Additionally, several important components should be included in the interior layout, such as the copyright page, an author page featuring social media links, a “Books by the Author” page, and an excerpt from another book by the same author at the end.
We strive to ensure that the interior design complements the specific category of your book, creating a cohesive and appealing reader experience.
Cost for Part 2: $1,500.00
Part 3: Designing the Physical books, interior, and cover
Looking at a bookshelf, it's immediately apparent that the spine plays a crucial role in book cover design.
The design of a physical book extends beyond just the cover— it encompasses the spine, back matter, sleeve, and cover as a whole. Each element contributes to the book's overall appeal and professionalism.
At BUOY MEDIA, we understand the importance of having both the cover and interior design of a physical book polished and professional.
Our team boasts many years of experience, with numerous bestselling designs to our credit.
We utilize industry-standard templates and an online digital proofer to ensure that your fully formatted book meets essential margins and technical specifications.
This thorough process allows us to confirm that the interior matches the printing submission guidelines, ensuring that your book will print correctly and that a quality product is delivered to your customers.